Price Match Guarantee

Found an item cheaper elsewhere but still want the best customer service the industry has to offer? Here's where our Price Match Guarantee comes in!

Just fill in a contact form with the details of the item you're interested in and where you saw the lower price.
As long as we can confirm the item is being sold at a lower price by an authorised dealer, we'll match it!


What details of the item  do I need to provide?

If you've seen the item at a lower price online, just send us a link to the web page!

If the price you've got is from a quote in-store elsewhere, we would need to see the quote.
The document could be scanned and sent to us via email (
If not, then we would need to see it in person to verify its authenticity.



Things to keep in mind


Item Condition

Our Price Match Guarantee only applies to items of the same condition.
This means if you see a discounted price on an item because it is ex-demonstration or second hand, we would not be able to match this on a brand new item.


What do we mean by an "authorised dealer"?

An authorised dealer is a company that a manufacturer directly supplies to (like us!).
We will match prices against other authorised dealers.
We cannot match prices from independent sellers. This includes private sellers on sites like eBay.
Authorised dealers often have business eBay accounts. We will match prices their prices.


Legacy Pricing

We can only match prices on current competing offers.
We cannot match the price of an item if the lower price was sourced in the past.


If you are unsure or have any questions, please feel free to ask!
01233 624441 /